quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011

Autodesk Project Vasari

Autodesk® Project Vasari is an easy-to-use, expressive design tool for creating building concepts. Vasari goes further, with integrated analysis for energy and carbon, providing design insight where the most important design decisions are made.


Autodesk® Project Vasari is an easy-to-use, expressive design tool for creating building concepts. Vasari goes further, with integrated analysis for energy and carbon, providing design insight where the most important design decisions are made. And, when it’s time to move the design to production, simply bring your Vasari design data into the Autodesk® Revit® platform for BIM, ensuring clear execution of design intent.

Project Vasari is focused on conceptual building design using both geometric and parametric modeling. It supports performance-based design via integrated energy modeling and analysis features. This new technology preview is now available as a free download and trial on Autodesk Labs.

Latest Updates

■Metric Templates

■Text Notes

■Work Sharing File Protection

■Export to STL for 3D printing

■Wind Rose

■Planar Solar Radiation

■Nucleus physical phenomena form finding

Read more about these updates // more

The Project Vasari technology preview is licensed for a limited term and for a particular territory as referenced in the End User License Agreement. The technology preview executable expires on August 15, 2011, and the program will no longer operate after that date. There may or may not be an update at that time based on the feedback received during this preview.


Ecotect Windrose Ecotect Planar Solar Radiation Analysis Project Nucleus integration // more .For you without YouTube access, you can download the videos from this blog article.

See how well the Project Vasari Technology Preview works for you, and be sure to tell us what you think about this exciting new concept by sending us an email, participating in the discussion forum, or by following the feedback links in the upper-right corner of this page. You can also post comments on the It's Alive in the Lab blog.

Known Issues

For a list of known issues, please see our known issues page. We will update this page periodically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions regrading the Project Vasari technology preview.

■Is Project Vasari free?

Project Vasari is a technology preview available from Autodesk Labs. Please refer to the EULA that appears on first starting the application for more information on technology previews and terms of use.

■How long will Project Vasari be available to download and use?

Project Vasari will be available on Autodesk Labs until August 15, 2011.

■Who is Project Vasari intended to be used by?

We think Project Vasari is a great tool for use in the early design stages of architectural design projects. So far, architectural designers and architectural students have been using early versions. But really, anyone interested in 3d parametric modeling and looking for ways to understand ‘performance-based design’ is welcome to download and try it out.

■How is Project Vasari related to Revit?

Project Vasari is based on the Revit 2011 code base, but highlights the Conceptual Design environment and various other features. It also encompasses some changes to the user interface. Detailed BIM modeling tools have been removed.

■Can I open Revit 2011 files in Project Vasari?

Yes, but some features (detailed model elements such as walls, windows, doors, etc) are not supported.

■Can I open Project Vasari files in Revit 2011?

Yes. Project Vasari is intended as an "on ramp" for Revit. Conceptual models created in Project Vasari can be opened in Revit 2011 and used to make more detailed models.

■How can I give feedback to the Vasari team?

We definitely want to hear from you! Send us an email to labs.vasari@autodesk.com or visit the Project Vasari community pages.

■How can I share models and images with others?

We definitely want to see what you are designing! Please post images on the Project Vasari community pages and share tips and tricks with others using the discussion forum.

■What does "Vasari" mean?

Giorgio Vasari (1511 - 1574) was an Italian painter, writer, historian and architect.

■How does the portable executable of Vasari work?

Spoon virtualization is a technology that packages an application and the applications pre-requisites into a single executable, allowing users to download and run a single file instead of downloading and running an installer. When the user runs a spoon executable, the application is run in an isolated environment that has controlled access to the operating system.
■Why can't I see the Nucleus tab?

The Nucleus tab only appears while you are editing a loadable family (RFA file) as opposed to being in a project (RVT file). Go to the big V button > New > Family. Select the Mass.rft template. Now you will see the Nucleus tab on the ribbon.

■Is there an API available for Vasari?
Yes! Tools available in Vasari are available in the Vasari API.

Autodesk ® Project Vasari

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